the fascinating tales and intriguing short stories from our motherland that will captivate and transport you to a world of wonder.
My Story
The only reason I have not fallen flat on my face in public is either a private streak of stubbornness, or God just loves me too much to allow me make a fool of myself.
Being painfully shy robed me of the Russian Roulette opportunity of speaking my opinions and mind, as and when the inclination occurred. However it armed me with the power to observe. Subsequently form worlds inside my head. I painted over the worlds so much that one day; they turned into words. They defined part of what you’ll read here, they in a way, saved me.
So welcome to Tales of Home.
On Christmas day somewhere in 2014, a caption flew out of my mouth. My sisters were wondering why our Pops hadn't been served lunch yet.
The clown in my head blurted out “Christmas Goes Sour for Family in….” Seeing them laugh with tears glistening in their eyes made me happy. What I had lived with in my head for a while formed a construct, understandable enough to make sense to them.
While my Family called it news headline worthy, an expression older than 1995 found a door of expression for me.
So welcome once again, to Tales of Home. A world of experiences that have added to the canvas called life.
Some days you’ll want to be as comfortable as you need to be to read, it will be your go to for some peace and quiet, on other days we are going to laugh at the streets, some days we are going to revisit the comforts of compassion, talk about firsts and on other days I promise you, you will be grabbing a hanky to weep. Which ever direction the wind blows the pen and the ink, I hope it will be worth your while.
Thank you for coming along, and for the first time;
You are officially welcome to Tales of Home.
The Blog.
Happy Readers

Tales of home never fail to transport me back to my roots. Truly captivating!